Shipping costs will be calculated at checkout. You can choose whether to have your parcel shipped with, or without registered tracking.
Most jewellery pieces in Australia can be shipped for AUD$4.50 (without tracking) or AUD$8.95 (with tracking). The shipping of two or more jewellery pieces will cost AUD$8.95 and will be tracked. Express shipping is also available at check out. Note that shipping is FREE (with tracking) for orders above AUD$75.
Most jewellery pieces posted outside of Australia can be shipped for AUD$4.60 (without tracking). Two or more jewellery pieces will cost AUD$9.95 (without tracking). Shipping with tracking is a flat fee of AUD$24.60 regardless of the number of pieces added to the cart.
We ship all items with Australia Post. All jewellery items will be posted within 1 - 5 business days after payment has been received. Postage delivery times vary from country to country and city to city, and can also be affected by country customs or postal services.
In general, items bound for Australian destinations usually arrive within 5- 11 working days from the postage date. Please note with COVID delays, orders are taking 3 weeks to arrive.
Parcels sent to addresses outside of Australia can take anywhere between 6 -21 working days to arrive in your country. We have found on average that most parcels take 15 business days to arrive. Please note, due to postage services out of our control, some parcels to Canada are taking up to 30 working days to arrive.
Note: If there are any custom issues or country refusal issues with your parcel, we are unable to accept responsibility. If the parcel is returned to us from your country's customs, we will happily refund your money. We would recommend checking your country's custom laws before placing an order.
SHIPPING TO GERMANY- Verpackungsgesetz (LUCID Packaging Register)
On January 1, 2019, Germany’s Packaging Act (VerpackG) came into effect, imposing requirements on online retailers (including Etsy shops) selling to buyers in Germany. The Packaging Act promotes the recycling and reuse of packaging materials (e.g. cardboard boxes, tape, and bubble wrap).
My company One Happy Leaf is registered with LUCID (DE3650601590932), which is the Packaging Register of the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Foundation Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR).
Producers/distributors pay a license fee to the dual system for the collection, sorting and recycling of the packaging they introduced to the market. My Dual System partner is Activate by Reclay.
Please recycle when you can.
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